Writing and Editing
Writing and Editing is a podcast for authors that takes a whole-person approach to everything related to writing and editing. Listen in each Thursday for a new twenty-five-minute episode with an author or industry expert. All episodes are freely available in audio wherever you get podcasts. Hosted by Jennia D'Lima
Writing and Editing
88. Differences between Academic Writing and Fiction Writing for a New Novelist
My guest on this episode is Nancy K. Napier, who is Distinguished Professor Emerita at Boise State University. She has published widely on organizational creativity, innovation, and emerging economies over the years, with a special focus on Vietnam. In the last few years, she has received two of Vietnam’s top honors for foreigners, the Medal of Honor, for contributing to the advancement of education in the country, and the Medal of Friendship, for helping to build relationships between the U.S. and Vietnam. She’s now writing novels, and experiencing the joys and challenges of being a beginner again.