Writing and Editing
Writing and Editing is a podcast for authors that takes a whole-person approach to everything related to writing and editing. Listen in each Thursday for a new twenty-five-minute episode with an author or industry expert. All episodes are freely available in audio wherever you get podcasts. Hosted by Jennia D'Lima
Podcasting since 2022 • 316 episodes
Writing and Editing
Latest Episodes
315. Taking Your First Step as a Writer with Paula Whyman
Editor, author, and new plant enthusiast Paula Whyman discusses the first few steps of how to begin writing your story, including the highs, lows, and all her tips for in between.▬Check out Paula's website and grab a copy of
Episode 315

314. Busting the Social Media Myth with Annie Sklaver Orenstein
Researcher and author Annie Sklaver Orenstein talks about her publishing journey, the urban legend of social media followings, and why you can still get published without them.▬Visit Annie's website and get a copy of her book:<...
Episode 314

313. Beyond the Hero's Journey with Stacey Simmons
Psychotherapist and author Stacey Simmons talks about hero's journey versus the queen's path, their impacts on modern-day literature, and which one you should be using in your story.▬Check out Stacey's website:
Episode 313

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